International Steering Group for Kosovo

The International Steering Group for Kosovo (ISG) was an organization formed pursuant to the Ahtisaari Plan concerning the Kosovo status process. It was set up to guide Kosovo's democratic development and promote good governance, multi-ethnicity and the rule of law. The 2008 Kosovo declaration of independence formally "accept[ed] fully the obligations" of the Ahtisaari Plan. It had its inaugural meeting on Thursday February 28, 2008. The group has been declared "illegal" by Serbia and condemned by Russia.

International Steering Group for Kosovo

The International Steering Group for Kosovo (ISG) was an organization formed pursuant to the Ahtisaari Plan concerning the Kosovo status process. It was set up to guide Kosovo's democratic development and promote good governance, multi-ethnicity and the rule of law. The 2008 Kosovo declaration of independence formally "accept[ed] fully the obligations" of the Ahtisaari Plan. It had its inaugural meeting on Thursday February 28, 2008. The group has been declared "illegal" by Serbia and condemned by Russia.