Iota1 Normae

Iota1 Normae (ι1 Nor) is a multiple star system in the constellation Norma. Its combined apparent magnitude is 4.63. The AB (mag 5.2 and 5.76) pair orbit each other with a period of 26.9 years; they are 2.77 and 2.71 times as massive as the Sun respectively. A third component is a yellow main sequence star of spectral type G8V with an apparent magnitude of 8.02.

Iota1 Normae

Iota1 Normae (ι1 Nor) is a multiple star system in the constellation Norma. Its combined apparent magnitude is 4.63. The AB (mag 5.2 and 5.76) pair orbit each other with a period of 26.9 years; they are 2.77 and 2.71 times as massive as the Sun respectively. A third component is a yellow main sequence star of spectral type G8V with an apparent magnitude of 8.02.