Italian Communist Party of the Julian March

The Italian Communist Party of the Julian March (Italian: Partito comunista italiano della Venezia Giulia, abbreviated PCIVG) was a communist organization in the Julian March. The group was founded as the Italian Communist Front (Fronte comunista italiano) in Gorizia in February 1946, following a split from the Communist Party of the Julian March (PCRG). The founders of Italian Communist Front rejected the pro-Yugoslav position of the PCRG and adhered to the line issued by Palmiro Togliatti at the fifth congress of the Italian Communist Party (PCI) (i.e. that Trieste should be integrated in Italy, not Yugoslavia). The Italian Communist Front labelled PCRG as 'provocateurs' and 'secessionists'.

Italian Communist Party of the Julian March

The Italian Communist Party of the Julian March (Italian: Partito comunista italiano della Venezia Giulia, abbreviated PCIVG) was a communist organization in the Julian March. The group was founded as the Italian Communist Front (Fronte comunista italiano) in Gorizia in February 1946, following a split from the Communist Party of the Julian March (PCRG). The founders of Italian Communist Front rejected the pro-Yugoslav position of the PCRG and adhered to the line issued by Palmiro Togliatti at the fifth congress of the Italian Communist Party (PCI) (i.e. that Trieste should be integrated in Italy, not Yugoslavia). The Italian Communist Front labelled PCRG as 'provocateurs' and 'secessionists'.