Itsy Bitsy Spider (TV series)

The Itsy Bitsy Spider is an American animated fantasy-comedy television series. It was based on the Itsy Bitsy Spider short film produced by Hyperion Animation. It was broadcast on the USA Network's USA Cartoon Express. The series revolves around a tomboyish little girl named Leslie McGroarty who is befriended by a four-eyed spider named Itsy, and two adversaries, the Exterminator and her teacher Adrienne. The series focuses mainly on the Exterminator's futile attempts to rid the world of the arachnid pest his job calls for. This series features a full half-hour episode, and was used Tex Avery-influence style. The series is rated TV-Y7. The opening song of the series is preceded by the following dialogue:

Itsy Bitsy Spider (TV series)

The Itsy Bitsy Spider is an American animated fantasy-comedy television series. It was based on the Itsy Bitsy Spider short film produced by Hyperion Animation. It was broadcast on the USA Network's USA Cartoon Express. The series revolves around a tomboyish little girl named Leslie McGroarty who is befriended by a four-eyed spider named Itsy, and two adversaries, the Exterminator and her teacher Adrienne. The series focuses mainly on the Exterminator's futile attempts to rid the world of the arachnid pest his job calls for. This series features a full half-hour episode, and was used Tex Avery-influence style. The series is rated TV-Y7. The opening song of the series is preceded by the following dialogue: