Jōkei (monk)

Jōkei (貞慶) (1155–1213) was an influential Buddhist, scholar-monk and reformer of the Hosso sect in Japan, posthumously known as Gedatsu shōnin (解脱上人 "Liberated Master"). Jokei was a prolific author, asserting and compiling the Hosso/Yogacara doctrine, while simultaneously refuting newer Buddhist movements, particularly the Pure Land movement begun by Honen. Like his contemporary Myoe, Jokei sought to make Buddhism more accessible to the public through the promotion of rebirth to Mount Potalaka, the dwelling of Kannon Bodhisattva, or aspiring for rebirth in the Tusita Heaven where the Bodhisattva Maitreya dwells. Jōkei actively promoted devotion to Shakyamuni Buddha, the historical founder, through devotional practices, access to relics of the Buddha, and promotion of ancient Vinaya monasti

Jōkei (monk)

Jōkei (貞慶) (1155–1213) was an influential Buddhist, scholar-monk and reformer of the Hosso sect in Japan, posthumously known as Gedatsu shōnin (解脱上人 "Liberated Master"). Jokei was a prolific author, asserting and compiling the Hosso/Yogacara doctrine, while simultaneously refuting newer Buddhist movements, particularly the Pure Land movement begun by Honen. Like his contemporary Myoe, Jokei sought to make Buddhism more accessible to the public through the promotion of rebirth to Mount Potalaka, the dwelling of Kannon Bodhisattva, or aspiring for rebirth in the Tusita Heaven where the Bodhisattva Maitreya dwells. Jōkei actively promoted devotion to Shakyamuni Buddha, the historical founder, through devotional practices, access to relics of the Buddha, and promotion of ancient Vinaya monasti