
The word J-Setting is an informal word or slang that means to dance like the legendary Prancing J-Settes, the female dance team of the Jackson State University's Sonic Boom of the South marching band. J-Setting has evolved to also become the name of the style of dance and dance culture that is modeled after the dance formations, movements and dress style of the "Prancing J-Settes". It originated in the late 1970s from African-Americans in the Jackson, Mississippi, area of the United States.


The word J-Setting is an informal word or slang that means to dance like the legendary Prancing J-Settes, the female dance team of the Jackson State University's Sonic Boom of the South marching band. J-Setting has evolved to also become the name of the style of dance and dance culture that is modeled after the dance formations, movements and dress style of the "Prancing J-Settes". It originated in the late 1970s from African-Americans in the Jackson, Mississippi, area of the United States.