JTAC Hill - Joint Tactical Air Co-ordination - is a fort in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, originally built in 1841 by the Royal Engineers for the tactical defence of British India. Since being strengthened, it has been used as an important strategic base in the ongoing war in Afghanistan. JTAC Hill is the southernmost British forces' stronghold in Helmand Province, almost 100 miles south of the main British base, Camp Bastion, and just forty miles north of the frontier with Pakistan.


JTAC Hill - Joint Tactical Air Co-ordination - is a fort in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, originally built in 1841 by the Royal Engineers for the tactical defence of British India. Since being strengthened, it has been used as an important strategic base in the ongoing war in Afghanistan. JTAC Hill is the southernmost British forces' stronghold in Helmand Province, almost 100 miles south of the main British base, Camp Bastion, and just forty miles north of the frontier with Pakistan.