James Musgrove

James Musgrove (1862 — 1935) was born in Kendal, in Cumbria, one of several children of a draper, William Musgrove. His mother was born Ruth Stramon. After his schooling he studied at Edinburgh, earning the bachelors' medical degree of M.B. and C.M. (Master of Surgery) in 1886 and his MD doctorate in 1888. He then became the Royal Infirmary house surgeon under John Chiene. His industry and ability led Sir William Turner to accept him as demonstrator of anatomy at the Edinburgh University for several years. Turner's effect on his education influenced him throughout his subsequent career.

James Musgrove

James Musgrove (1862 — 1935) was born in Kendal, in Cumbria, one of several children of a draper, William Musgrove. His mother was born Ruth Stramon. After his schooling he studied at Edinburgh, earning the bachelors' medical degree of M.B. and C.M. (Master of Surgery) in 1886 and his MD doctorate in 1888. He then became the Royal Infirmary house surgeon under John Chiene. His industry and ability led Sir William Turner to accept him as demonstrator of anatomy at the Edinburgh University for several years. Turner's effect on his education influenced him throughout his subsequent career.