January 2005 Dagestan Raids

January 15 2005 sieges were two raids of the Russian security forces on a militant Islamist group's safehouses in Dagestan. At least four Russian commandos and six rebels died in the clashes, while one was captured. The group, called Shariat Jamaat, previously killed 29 members of the Dagestani department for fighting extremism and criminal terrorism, including its chief Akhberdilav Akilov.

January 2005 Dagestan Raids

January 15 2005 sieges were two raids of the Russian security forces on a militant Islamist group's safehouses in Dagestan. At least four Russian commandos and six rebels died in the clashes, while one was captured. The group, called Shariat Jamaat, previously killed 29 members of the Dagestani department for fighting extremism and criminal terrorism, including its chief Akhberdilav Akilov.