Japanese food supply ship Irako

Irako (伊良湖) was a Japanese food supply ship, serving during the Second World War. Constructed for the transport of food-stuffs, the Irako was eventually commissioned for other roles, including troop transport, munitions transport, and Pacific survey missions. Serving throughout the entirety of the Second World War, the Irako was eventually salvaged for metal, and used for public housing projects in Japan. The crew of the Irako is honored, along with many other seamen, in Tokyo, Japan. The ship was named for Cape Irago, at the tip of Atsumi Peninsula in Aichi prefecture.

Japanese food supply ship Irako

Irako (伊良湖) was a Japanese food supply ship, serving during the Second World War. Constructed for the transport of food-stuffs, the Irako was eventually commissioned for other roles, including troop transport, munitions transport, and Pacific survey missions. Serving throughout the entirety of the Second World War, the Irako was eventually salvaged for metal, and used for public housing projects in Japan. The crew of the Irako is honored, along with many other seamen, in Tokyo, Japan. The ship was named for Cape Irago, at the tip of Atsumi Peninsula in Aichi prefecture.