Jennings Handicap

The Jennings Handicap is an American Thoroughbred horse race run annually at Laurel Park Racecourse in Laurel, Maryland. Raced in December each year, it is open to horses age three and older that are registered Maryland-breds and is contested on dirt over a distance of 1 mile (8 furlongs). Prior to 1993, the race alternated locations between Laurel Park and Pimlico Race Course in Baltimore. The race has been run at four different distances:  1 1⁄8 miles,  1 1⁄16 miles, 1 mile, and 6 furlongs.

Jennings Handicap

The Jennings Handicap is an American Thoroughbred horse race run annually at Laurel Park Racecourse in Laurel, Maryland. Raced in December each year, it is open to horses age three and older that are registered Maryland-breds and is contested on dirt over a distance of 1 mile (8 furlongs). Prior to 1993, the race alternated locations between Laurel Park and Pimlico Race Course in Baltimore. The race has been run at four different distances:  1 1⁄8 miles,  1 1⁄16 miles, 1 mile, and 6 furlongs.