Jin (manga)

Jin (Japanese: JIN-仁-) is a Japanese seinen manga written and illustrated by Motoka Murakami, which was featured on Super Jump during its original run from 2000 to 2010. It was compiled into 20 tankōbon by Shueisha and published between April 4, 2001, and February 4, 2011.The manga series has been adapted into three live-action television drama series: two in Japan in 2009 and 2011; and in South Korea in 2012.

Jin (manga)

Jin (Japanese: JIN-仁-) is a Japanese seinen manga written and illustrated by Motoka Murakami, which was featured on Super Jump during its original run from 2000 to 2010. It was compiled into 20 tankōbon by Shueisha and published between April 4, 2001, and February 4, 2011.The manga series has been adapted into three live-action television drama series: two in Japan in 2009 and 2011; and in South Korea in 2012.