Joaquín Argamasilla

Joaquín María Argamasilla de la Cerda y Elío (Madrid, April 4, 1905 – 1985) was a Spanish noble who was the 11th Marquis de Santacara , but he is better known for claiming in the early 1920s a supposed ability to see through opaque objects. Argamasilla conviced important people of the era such as Gustav Geley and Charles Richet of his powers, but he was exposed by Harry Houdini as a fraud in 1924.

Joaquín Argamasilla

Joaquín María Argamasilla de la Cerda y Elío (Madrid, April 4, 1905 – 1985) was a Spanish noble who was the 11th Marquis de Santacara , but he is better known for claiming in the early 1920s a supposed ability to see through opaque objects. Argamasilla conviced important people of the era such as Gustav Geley and Charles Richet of his powers, but he was exposed by Harry Houdini as a fraud in 1924.