Juvenile Law Center

Juvenile Law Center, founded in 1975, is the oldest non-profit, public interest law firm for children in the United States. Juvenile Law Center works nationally to shape and use the law on behalf of children in the child welfare and justice systems to promote fairness, prevent harm, ensure access to appropriate services, and create opportunities for success. Juvenile Law Center works to protect and advance children's rights in state and federal courts, legislatures, and executive agencies. Its strategies include litigation, appellate advocacy, submission of amicus curiae (friend-of-the-court) briefs, policy reform, public education, professional education and training, and strategic communications.

Juvenile Law Center

Juvenile Law Center, founded in 1975, is the oldest non-profit, public interest law firm for children in the United States. Juvenile Law Center works nationally to shape and use the law on behalf of children in the child welfare and justice systems to promote fairness, prevent harm, ensure access to appropriate services, and create opportunities for success. Juvenile Law Center works to protect and advance children's rights in state and federal courts, legislatures, and executive agencies. Its strategies include litigation, appellate advocacy, submission of amicus curiae (friend-of-the-court) briefs, policy reform, public education, professional education and training, and strategic communications.