KAMAS (program)

KAMAS, an acronym for Knowledge and Mind Amplification System, from Compusophic Systems, then Kamasoft (Aloha, Oregon), was in the 1980s the most influential outliner or outline processor, and the first for CP/M. It was a type of word processor that edited outline elements, enabling showing, hiding, promotion, demotion, and moving (cutting and pasting) of outline trees ("branches"). Each string of text occupied a "leaf". While some modern word processing programs include limited outline capability, none has the features of KAMAS. A number of outline processors exist for MS-DOS, Windows, and the Mac platforms. None has achieved a significant market share, or the enthusiastic user base which supported KAMAS.

KAMAS (program)

KAMAS, an acronym for Knowledge and Mind Amplification System, from Compusophic Systems, then Kamasoft (Aloha, Oregon), was in the 1980s the most influential outliner or outline processor, and the first for CP/M. It was a type of word processor that edited outline elements, enabling showing, hiding, promotion, demotion, and moving (cutting and pasting) of outline trees ("branches"). Each string of text occupied a "leaf". While some modern word processing programs include limited outline capability, none has the features of KAMAS. A number of outline processors exist for MS-DOS, Windows, and the Mac platforms. None has achieved a significant market share, or the enthusiastic user base which supported KAMAS.