Ka Leo O Hawaii

Ka Leo O Hawai‘'i (The Voice of Hawai‘i) is the student newspaper at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, founded in 1922 (as the Mirror). Beginning in the fall of 2010, "Ka Leo" began printing every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (previously Ka Leo had printed Monday, Wednesday and Thursday) during the fall and spring semesters, and only Wednesday during the summer semester. As of 2016, the newspaper publishes biweekly, releasing every other Monday, in an effort to focus on web oriented content. Page length is normally 12 to 80 pages, in a tabloid format. Circulation is 10,000, distributed to over 100 locations on campus and in the community.

Ka Leo O Hawaii

Ka Leo O Hawai‘'i (The Voice of Hawai‘i) is the student newspaper at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, founded in 1922 (as the Mirror). Beginning in the fall of 2010, "Ka Leo" began printing every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (previously Ka Leo had printed Monday, Wednesday and Thursday) during the fall and spring semesters, and only Wednesday during the summer semester. As of 2016, the newspaper publishes biweekly, releasing every other Monday, in an effort to focus on web oriented content. Page length is normally 12 to 80 pages, in a tabloid format. Circulation is 10,000, distributed to over 100 locations on campus and in the community.