Kali the Little Vampire

Kali the Little Vampire (Portuguese: Kali, o pequeno vampiro) is a 2012 animated short film directed by Regina Pessoa. The film was the last in a trilogy of animated shorts by Pessoa about childhood, following A Noite (1999) and Tragic Story with Happy Ending (2005). Kali the Little Vampire features original music from The Young Gods, and was produced by Abi Feijó (Ciclope Filmes), Julie Roy and René Chénier (National Film Board of Canada), Pascal Le Nôtre (Folimage) and Georges Schwizgebel and Claude Luyet (Studio GDS).

Kali the Little Vampire

Kali the Little Vampire (Portuguese: Kali, o pequeno vampiro) is a 2012 animated short film directed by Regina Pessoa. The film was the last in a trilogy of animated shorts by Pessoa about childhood, following A Noite (1999) and Tragic Story with Happy Ending (2005). Kali the Little Vampire features original music from The Young Gods, and was produced by Abi Feijó (Ciclope Filmes), Julie Roy and René Chénier (National Film Board of Canada), Pascal Le Nôtre (Folimage) and Georges Schwizgebel and Claude Luyet (Studio GDS).