Kampf um Rom

The Last Roman redirects here. For the last Roman, go to Last of the Romans. Kampf um Rom (English language title: The Last Roman) is a West German-Italian historical drama film starring Laurence Harvey, Orson Welles, Sylva Koscina and Honor Blackman. It was produced by Artur Brauner and was the last film to be directed by Robert Siodmak. It was originally released in two parts (Kampf um Rom 1. Teil and Kampf um Rom 2. Teil: Der Verrat) in 1968 and 1969 as a late installment of the sword-and-sandal genre. Kampf um Rom shows the 6th century power struggle between Byzantine emperor Justinian, the descendants of the Western Roman Empire and the Ostrogoths. The film is based on a novel by Felix Dahn.

Kampf um Rom

The Last Roman redirects here. For the last Roman, go to Last of the Romans. Kampf um Rom (English language title: The Last Roman) is a West German-Italian historical drama film starring Laurence Harvey, Orson Welles, Sylva Koscina and Honor Blackman. It was produced by Artur Brauner and was the last film to be directed by Robert Siodmak. It was originally released in two parts (Kampf um Rom 1. Teil and Kampf um Rom 2. Teil: Der Verrat) in 1968 and 1969 as a late installment of the sword-and-sandal genre. Kampf um Rom shows the 6th century power struggle between Byzantine emperor Justinian, the descendants of the Western Roman Empire and the Ostrogoths. The film is based on a novel by Felix Dahn.