Kane Letter

The Kane Letter was a widely circulated letter written on June 19, 1844 by James K. Polk to John K. Kane outlining his beliefs on tariffs, free trade, and protectionism during his 1844 campaign for President of the United States.[5] Polk's letter contained a polished and succinct statement espousing support for moderate tariff relief. Many historians saw this letter as a "masterly straddle"[1], but in recent years it has been viewed as Polk's only official position on the contentious and politically divisive tariff issue.[3]

Kane Letter

The Kane Letter was a widely circulated letter written on June 19, 1844 by James K. Polk to John K. Kane outlining his beliefs on tariffs, free trade, and protectionism during his 1844 campaign for President of the United States.[5] Polk's letter contained a polished and succinct statement espousing support for moderate tariff relief. Many historians saw this letter as a "masterly straddle"[1], but in recent years it has been viewed as Polk's only official position on the contentious and politically divisive tariff issue.[3]