
Kirtu is a word that, by association, has become synonymous with sexually explicit comics or animation originating in India that depict modern Indian sexuality. The common noun is derived from the domain name of the popular pornographic cartoon website, although as a proprietary eponym it is often used to refer to Indian cartoon pornography in general, much like hentai is used to denote sexually explicit or pornographic comics and animation from Japan, particularly anime, manga and computer games.It become the major source of inspiration to many people to make a phonographic cartoon or sex stories. After banning of the many sex feeding site in India in 2015, some blog become most popular due to their sensual stories.


Kirtu is a word that, by association, has become synonymous with sexually explicit comics or animation originating in India that depict modern Indian sexuality. The common noun is derived from the domain name of the popular pornographic cartoon website, although as a proprietary eponym it is often used to refer to Indian cartoon pornography in general, much like hentai is used to denote sexually explicit or pornographic comics and animation from Japan, particularly anime, manga and computer games.It become the major source of inspiration to many people to make a phonographic cartoon or sex stories. After banning of the many sex feeding site in India in 2015, some blog become most popular due to their sensual stories.