Kissi Teng Chiefdom

Kissi Tongi Chiefdom is a chiefdom in Kailahun District of Sierra Leone with a population of 30,455. Its largest town is Koindu, but its headquarters is in Kangama. The major industry in Kissi Tongi Chiefdom is farming. The population of Kissi Tongi Chiefdom is largely from the Kissi ethnic group. The dispute with Guinea over their soldiers remaining within Sierra Leone ten years after the end of the civil war centers around Yenga in Kissi Teng.

Kissi Teng Chiefdom

Kissi Tongi Chiefdom is a chiefdom in Kailahun District of Sierra Leone with a population of 30,455. Its largest town is Koindu, but its headquarters is in Kangama. The major industry in Kissi Tongi Chiefdom is farming. The population of Kissi Tongi Chiefdom is largely from the Kissi ethnic group. The dispute with Guinea over their soldiers remaining within Sierra Leone ten years after the end of the civil war centers around Yenga in Kissi Teng.