Knight of Cups (film)

Knight of Cups is a 2015 American experimental drama film written and directed by Terrence Malick and produced by Nicolas Gonda, Sarah Green and Ken Kao. The film features an ensemble cast, starring Christian Bale as the central character. After over two years in post-production, the film premiered in the main competition section at the 65th Berlin International Film Festival on February 8, 2015 to mixed reviews. The film was released in the United States on March 4, 2016 by Broad Green Pictures to further mixed reviews from critics and audiences alike.

Knight of Cups (film)

Knight of Cups is a 2015 American experimental drama film written and directed by Terrence Malick and produced by Nicolas Gonda, Sarah Green and Ken Kao. The film features an ensemble cast, starring Christian Bale as the central character. After over two years in post-production, the film premiered in the main competition section at the 65th Berlin International Film Festival on February 8, 2015 to mixed reviews. The film was released in the United States on March 4, 2016 by Broad Green Pictures to further mixed reviews from critics and audiences alike.