Kutch Gurjar Kashtriya

Kutch Gurjar Kshatriya also known as Mistri or Mestri are a minority Hindu and one of the Socially and Educationally Backward Class community of Gujarat in India, whom claim to be Kshatriyas. They are an artisan community related with Kadia works. Most are employed as labourers under construction contractors They are known for their artistic and master craftsman skills in constructing forts, temples, palaces, ornate decorations, idols and other buildings and statues that led to them being referred to as Mistri by the Portuguese. This term was later used to refer to them as a separate caste known as the Mistri a.k.a. Mistris of Kutch.

Kutch Gurjar Kashtriya

Kutch Gurjar Kshatriya also known as Mistri or Mestri are a minority Hindu and one of the Socially and Educationally Backward Class community of Gujarat in India, whom claim to be Kshatriyas. They are an artisan community related with Kadia works. Most are employed as labourers under construction contractors They are known for their artistic and master craftsman skills in constructing forts, temples, palaces, ornate decorations, idols and other buildings and statues that led to them being referred to as Mistri by the Portuguese. This term was later used to refer to them as a separate caste known as the Mistri a.k.a. Mistris of Kutch.