LADOL (Lagos Deep Offshore Logistics Base), officially LADOL Free Zone, also known as LADOL Base or the initials LFZ, is a high value industrial Free Zone and 100% privately owned state-of-the-art logistics and engineering facility located on an island within the Port of Lagos (Apapa) Pilotage District, Nigeria. The developed and serviced 100-hectare ISPS certified Free Zone is occupied exclusively by companies operating at the highest international standards, carrying out high value projects in West Africa.


LADOL (Lagos Deep Offshore Logistics Base), officially LADOL Free Zone, also known as LADOL Base or the initials LFZ, is a high value industrial Free Zone and 100% privately owned state-of-the-art logistics and engineering facility located on an island within the Port of Lagos (Apapa) Pilotage District, Nigeria. The developed and serviced 100-hectare ISPS certified Free Zone is occupied exclusively by companies operating at the highest international standards, carrying out high value projects in West Africa.