The Laboratoire National de Champs Magnétiques Intenses (LNCMI, French: National Laboratory for Intense Magnetic Fields) is a research institution of the CNRS. It is based at two sites: one in Grenoble, specializing in static fields, and one in Toulouse, specializing in pulsed fields.The laboratory provides a base for research related to high-strength magnetic fields by both resident scientists and visiting researchers from around the world.


The Laboratoire National de Champs Magnétiques Intenses (LNCMI, French: National Laboratory for Intense Magnetic Fields) is a research institution of the CNRS. It is based at two sites: one in Grenoble, specializing in static fields, and one in Toulouse, specializing in pulsed fields.The laboratory provides a base for research related to high-strength magnetic fields by both resident scientists and visiting researchers from around the world.