La Reine Soleil

La Reine Soleil (The Sun Queen) is a French animated feature film (French/Hungarian/Belgian co-production) made by Philippe Leclerc. It was released in France on 4 April 2007. The animation was created by the Hungarian company Cinemon studios and special effects were created by Greykid Pictures, which was also responsible for compositing and some of the animation. The story is based on the novel La Reine Soleil by Christian Jacq.

La Reine Soleil

La Reine Soleil (The Sun Queen) is a French animated feature film (French/Hungarian/Belgian co-production) made by Philippe Leclerc. It was released in France on 4 April 2007. The animation was created by the Hungarian company Cinemon studios and special effects were created by Greykid Pictures, which was also responsible for compositing and some of the animation. The story is based on the novel La Reine Soleil by Christian Jacq.