Labour Panel

The Labour Panel (Irish: An Rolla Oibreachais) is one of five Vocational Panels which together elect 43 members of Seanad Éireann, the upper house of the Oireachtas (the legislature of Ireland). The Labour panel elects 11 Senators, at least 4 of whom must come from the Oireachtas members' nominees and at least another four must come from the nominating bodies' nominees.

Labour Panel

The Labour Panel (Irish: An Rolla Oibreachais) is one of five Vocational Panels which together elect 43 members of Seanad Éireann, the upper house of the Oireachtas (the legislature of Ireland). The Labour panel elects 11 Senators, at least 4 of whom must come from the Oireachtas members' nominees and at least another four must come from the nominating bodies' nominees.