Lady Death: The Movie

Lady Death: The Movie is a 2004 American animated film based on the comic book character Lady Death. This film was the first animation project produced by now-defunct anime distributor A.D. Vision. It had premiered at the 2004 Comic-Con convention. The film was released on DVD October 9, 2004, and had been aired on A.D. Vision's Anime Network. This film has not been rated. A Blu-ray Disc edition of the film was released by AEsir Holdings and Section23 Films on September 20, 2011.

Lady Death: The Movie

Lady Death: The Movie is a 2004 American animated film based on the comic book character Lady Death. This film was the first animation project produced by now-defunct anime distributor A.D. Vision. It had premiered at the 2004 Comic-Con convention. The film was released on DVD October 9, 2004, and had been aired on A.D. Vision's Anime Network. This film has not been rated. A Blu-ray Disc edition of the film was released by AEsir Holdings and Section23 Films on September 20, 2011.