Lagos Accord

The Lagos Accord was a peace agreement signed on August 21, 1979 by representatives of eleven warring factions of the Chadian Civil War, after a conference in Lagos, Nigeria. The accord established the procedures for setting up the Transitional Government of National Unity (GUNT), which was sworn into office in November, 1979. By mutual agreement, Goukouni Oueddei was named president, Wadel Abdelkader Kamougué was appointed vice-president, and Hissène Habré was named minister of national defense, veterans, and war victims. The distribution of cabinet positions was balanced between south (eleven portfolios), north, center, and east (thirteen), and among protégés of neighboring states.

Lagos Accord

The Lagos Accord was a peace agreement signed on August 21, 1979 by representatives of eleven warring factions of the Chadian Civil War, after a conference in Lagos, Nigeria. The accord established the procedures for setting up the Transitional Government of National Unity (GUNT), which was sworn into office in November, 1979. By mutual agreement, Goukouni Oueddei was named president, Wadel Abdelkader Kamougué was appointed vice-president, and Hissène Habré was named minister of national defense, veterans, and war victims. The distribution of cabinet positions was balanced between south (eleven portfolios), north, center, and east (thirteen), and among protégés of neighboring states.