Lake Placid (film series)

Lake Placid is an American series of monster horror/comedy films which started with Lake Placid in 1999 and was followed by three made for television sequels, Lake Placid 2 (2007), Lake Placid 3 (2010) and Lake Placid: The Final Chapter (2012), as well as a made for television crossover film with the Anaconda series, titled Lake Placid vs. Anaconda (2015). Each installment revolves around the presence of giant, 30-foot-long man-eating crocodiles in the fictional location of Black Lake, Maine, and the efforts of various groups to capture or destroy the creatures. All of the films reference members of the fictitious "Bickerman" family.

Lake Placid (film series)

Lake Placid is an American series of monster horror/comedy films which started with Lake Placid in 1999 and was followed by three made for television sequels, Lake Placid 2 (2007), Lake Placid 3 (2010) and Lake Placid: The Final Chapter (2012), as well as a made for television crossover film with the Anaconda series, titled Lake Placid vs. Anaconda (2015). Each installment revolves around the presence of giant, 30-foot-long man-eating crocodiles in the fictional location of Black Lake, Maine, and the efforts of various groups to capture or destroy the creatures. All of the films reference members of the fictitious "Bickerman" family.