Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me

"Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me" is a song by The Smiths. It was released as a single in December 1987, reaching No. 30 in the UK Singles Chart. It was the group's final single in the United Kingdom (barring re-issues) and was the last of three UK singles from the band's album Strangeways, Here We Come. The song was edited for the seven-inch single release, losing the introduction found on the parent album. The introduction consists of a piano playing against a backdrop of crowd noises from the miners' strike. The 12-inch single release contains the full-length version.

Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me

"Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me" is a song by The Smiths. It was released as a single in December 1987, reaching No. 30 in the UK Singles Chart. It was the group's final single in the United Kingdom (barring re-issues) and was the last of three UK singles from the band's album Strangeways, Here We Come. The song was edited for the seven-inch single release, losing the introduction found on the parent album. The introduction consists of a piano playing against a backdrop of crowd noises from the miners' strike. The 12-inch single release contains the full-length version.