Late Again

Late Again is the ninth studio album by folk-pop trio, Peter, Paul and Mary and reached #14 on Billboard's Top 200 Albums Chart. The same week that this album was released, group members Mary Travers and Peter Yarrow were part of an anti-war demonstration in Grant Park during the late August Democratic National Convention in Chicago, IL. The two were among demonstrators who were beaten and teargassed. This made news reels across the country.

Late Again

Late Again is the ninth studio album by folk-pop trio, Peter, Paul and Mary and reached #14 on Billboard's Top 200 Albums Chart. The same week that this album was released, group members Mary Travers and Peter Yarrow were part of an anti-war demonstration in Grant Park during the late August Democratic National Convention in Chicago, IL. The two were among demonstrators who were beaten and teargassed. This made news reels across the country.