Latinitas Foundation

The Latinitas Foundation (Latin: Opus Fundatum Latinitas) was an organisation dedicated to furthering the education of Latin and publication of the articles in the language. It was established on 30 June 1976 (Latin: die XXX mensis Iunii anno MCMLXXVI) by Pope Paul VI and was superseded by the Pontifical Academy for Latin which was established on 10 November 2012 (Latin: die X mensis Novembris anno MMXII) by Pope Benedict XVI.

Latinitas Foundation

The Latinitas Foundation (Latin: Opus Fundatum Latinitas) was an organisation dedicated to furthering the education of Latin and publication of the articles in the language. It was established on 30 June 1976 (Latin: die XXX mensis Iunii anno MCMLXXVI) by Pope Paul VI and was superseded by the Pontifical Academy for Latin which was established on 10 November 2012 (Latin: die X mensis Novembris anno MMXII) by Pope Benedict XVI.