Latium adiectum

Then he speaks of a later extension to the river Garigliano, to include the Volsci, Osci and Ausones. The "last town" in the Adiectum Latium, or "Extension of Latium", was Sinuessa. Pliny's remarks concerning Latium are part of his description of Italy:"...a land which is at once the nurseling and the mother of all other lands, chosen by providence of the gods to make heaven itself more glorious, to unite scattered empires, to make manners gentle, to draw together in converse by community of language the jarring and uncouth tongues of so many nations, to give mankind civilization, and in a word to become throughout the world the single fatherland of all the races."After waxing yet more eloquent concerning Italy - he was in fact north Italian himself, rather than Roman - he then gives: "an

Latium adiectum

Then he speaks of a later extension to the river Garigliano, to include the Volsci, Osci and Ausones. The "last town" in the Adiectum Latium, or "Extension of Latium", was Sinuessa. Pliny's remarks concerning Latium are part of his description of Italy:"...a land which is at once the nurseling and the mother of all other lands, chosen by providence of the gods to make heaven itself more glorious, to unite scattered empires, to make manners gentle, to draw together in converse by community of language the jarring and uncouth tongues of so many nations, to give mankind civilization, and in a word to become throughout the world the single fatherland of all the races."After waxing yet more eloquent concerning Italy - he was in fact north Italian himself, rather than Roman - he then gives: "an