Laurel and Hardy filmography

This list only contains the films that Laurel and Hardy made together. For their solo films see Stan Laurel filmography and Oliver Hardy filmography. Laurel and Hardy were a motion picture comedy team whose official filmography consists of 106 films released between 1921 and 1951. Together they appeared in 34 silent shorts, 45 sound shorts, and 27 full-length sound feature films. In addition to these, Laurel and Hardy appeared in at least 20 foreign-language versions of their films and a promotional film, Galaxy of Stars (1936), made for European film distributors.

Laurel and Hardy filmography

This list only contains the films that Laurel and Hardy made together. For their solo films see Stan Laurel filmography and Oliver Hardy filmography. Laurel and Hardy were a motion picture comedy team whose official filmography consists of 106 films released between 1921 and 1951. Together they appeared in 34 silent shorts, 45 sound shorts, and 27 full-length sound feature films. In addition to these, Laurel and Hardy appeared in at least 20 foreign-language versions of their films and a promotional film, Galaxy of Stars (1936), made for European film distributors.