Lazarus Group

Lazarus Group is a cybercrime group made up of an unknown number of individuals. While not much is known about the Lazarus Group, researchers have attributed many cyber attacks to them over the last decade. The earliest known attack that the group is responsible for is known as "Operation Troy", which took place from 2009-2012. This was a cyber-espionage campaign that utilized unsophisticated DDoS techniques to target the Seoul government of South Korea. They are also responsible for attacks in 2011 and 2013. It is possible that they were also behind a 2007 attack targeting South Korea, but that still isn't certain. A notable attack that the group is known for is the 2014 attack on Sony Pictures. The Sony attack used more sophisticated techniques and highlighted how advanced the group has

Lazarus Group

Lazarus Group is a cybercrime group made up of an unknown number of individuals. While not much is known about the Lazarus Group, researchers have attributed many cyber attacks to them over the last decade. The earliest known attack that the group is responsible for is known as "Operation Troy", which took place from 2009-2012. This was a cyber-espionage campaign that utilized unsophisticated DDoS techniques to target the Seoul government of South Korea. They are also responsible for attacks in 2011 and 2013. It is possible that they were also behind a 2007 attack targeting South Korea, but that still isn't certain. A notable attack that the group is known for is the 2014 attack on Sony Pictures. The Sony attack used more sophisticated techniques and highlighted how advanced the group has