Les oiseaux rares

"Les oiseaux rares" (The Rare Birds) is a French TV series in 60 episodes, made in 1967 and released in 1969, starring Claude Jade and Dominique Labourier in their debuts. In a large villa, the middle-class couple Henri (Guy Saint-Jean) and Florence Massonneau (Anna Gaylor) lives with his five daughters. While the eldest, Catherine (Nicole Chaput) awaits her wedding with her fiance Bernard (Patrick Lancelot), the second daughter, Martine (Dominique Labourier), is in love with Paul Legrand (Jean-Pierre Ducos), the Spanish teacher of the youngest daughter, Valérie (Bernadette Robert). Most cause for concern, however, the 16-year-old Sylvie (Claude Jade), who teases her sisters and also insists on getting a horse. The horse Turlutu belongs to the friend (Jean Perrin) of her elder sister Julie

Les oiseaux rares

"Les oiseaux rares" (The Rare Birds) is a French TV series in 60 episodes, made in 1967 and released in 1969, starring Claude Jade and Dominique Labourier in their debuts. In a large villa, the middle-class couple Henri (Guy Saint-Jean) and Florence Massonneau (Anna Gaylor) lives with his five daughters. While the eldest, Catherine (Nicole Chaput) awaits her wedding with her fiance Bernard (Patrick Lancelot), the second daughter, Martine (Dominique Labourier), is in love with Paul Legrand (Jean-Pierre Ducos), the Spanish teacher of the youngest daughter, Valérie (Bernadette Robert). Most cause for concern, however, the 16-year-old Sylvie (Claude Jade), who teases her sisters and also insists on getting a horse. The horse Turlutu belongs to the friend (Jean Perrin) of her elder sister Julie