Lesbian Gay Bi Trans Youth Line

The Lesbian Gay Bi Trans Youth Line, founded in 1994, is a Toronto-based peer support organization for LGBT youth. Although best known for their phone support line, the organization also offers Internet chat and e-mail support services, as well as promoting and supporting other events and programs for LGBT youth. In 2011 the Youth Line, in conjunction with Toronto City Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, created an award, named in memory of Toronto artist Will Munro, to honour LGBT youth involved in community arts projects in Ontario.

Lesbian Gay Bi Trans Youth Line

The Lesbian Gay Bi Trans Youth Line, founded in 1994, is a Toronto-based peer support organization for LGBT youth. Although best known for their phone support line, the organization also offers Internet chat and e-mail support services, as well as promoting and supporting other events and programs for LGBT youth. In 2011 the Youth Line, in conjunction with Toronto City Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, created an award, named in memory of Toronto artist Will Munro, to honour LGBT youth involved in community arts projects in Ontario.