Libre (word)

Libre /ˈliːbrə/ is a loan word in English, borrowed from French and Spanish, used to describe something as being "free", in the sense of "having freedom" or "liberty". It is used in English to distinguish the two meanings of free: free as in freedom (libre) from free as in free of charge (gratis). Another sample is common: Free as "Free Speech", not as "Free Drink"! In these contexts, "libre" encompasses the four essential freedoms defined in the free software definition, and is used to describe works which may be used, modified, copied and shared without permission from the copyright holder.

Libre (word)

Libre /ˈliːbrə/ is a loan word in English, borrowed from French and Spanish, used to describe something as being "free", in the sense of "having freedom" or "liberty". It is used in English to distinguish the two meanings of free: free as in freedom (libre) from free as in free of charge (gratis). Another sample is common: Free as "Free Speech", not as "Free Drink"! In these contexts, "libre" encompasses the four essential freedoms defined in the free software definition, and is used to describe works which may be used, modified, copied and shared without permission from the copyright holder.