Lieutenant Sheba

Lieutenant Sheba, portrayed by Anne Lockhart, is a fictional character and regular cast member of the 1978-1979 ABC television series Battlestar Galactica. Daughter of the legendary Commander Cain, Sheba first appeared as the leader of the Silver Spar Viper squadron from the Battlestar Pegasus in the two part episode "The Living Legend." Left behind on the Galactica when her father took the Pegasus off to battle, and subsequently disappeared, Sheba was assigned responsibility for a Viper squadron on the Galactica; however, she continued to wear her Pegasus flight insignia for some time.

Lieutenant Sheba

Lieutenant Sheba, portrayed by Anne Lockhart, is a fictional character and regular cast member of the 1978-1979 ABC television series Battlestar Galactica. Daughter of the legendary Commander Cain, Sheba first appeared as the leader of the Silver Spar Viper squadron from the Battlestar Pegasus in the two part episode "The Living Legend." Left behind on the Galactica when her father took the Pegasus off to battle, and subsequently disappeared, Sheba was assigned responsibility for a Viper squadron on the Galactica; however, she continued to wear her Pegasus flight insignia for some time.