
Life-Size is a 2000 fantasy comedy television film directed by Mark Rosman and originally premiered on ABC. It was released to DVD and VHS in the same year. The film is a family comic fantasy starring Lindsay Lohan and Tyra Banks in a tale of a young girl's Eve Doll (somewhat like Barbie) that is transformed into a living Perfect Woman. The tagline for the film was "She was a perfect doll. Now she's the real thing." Filmed in 1999, it premiered as part of The Wonderful World of Disney on ABC and made its debut on Disney Channel in 2000.


Life-Size is a 2000 fantasy comedy television film directed by Mark Rosman and originally premiered on ABC. It was released to DVD and VHS in the same year. The film is a family comic fantasy starring Lindsay Lohan and Tyra Banks in a tale of a young girl's Eve Doll (somewhat like Barbie) that is transformed into a living Perfect Woman. The tagline for the film was "She was a perfect doll. Now she's the real thing." Filmed in 1999, it premiered as part of The Wonderful World of Disney on ABC and made its debut on Disney Channel in 2000.