Limerick (poetry)

A limerick is a form of poetry in five-line, predominantly anapestic meter with a strict rhyme scheme (AABBA), which is sometimes obscene with humorous intent. The third and fourth lines are usually shorter than the other three. The following example is a limerick of unknown origin: The limerick packs laughs anatomicalInto space that is quite economical. But the good ones I've seen So seldom are clean And the clean ones so seldom are comical.

Limerick (poetry)

A limerick is a form of poetry in five-line, predominantly anapestic meter with a strict rhyme scheme (AABBA), which is sometimes obscene with humorous intent. The third and fourth lines are usually shorter than the other three. The following example is a limerick of unknown origin: The limerick packs laughs anatomicalInto space that is quite economical. But the good ones I've seen So seldom are clean And the clean ones so seldom are comical.