Linked: The New Science of Networks

Linked: The New Science of Networks is a popular science book written by the Hungarian physicist Albert-László Barabási and first published by the Perseus Books Group in 2002. Barabási has changed the way of thinking about real-world networks and largely contributed to making networks the revolutionary science of the 21st century. Linked is his first book that introduces the highly developed field of Network Science to a broad audience. Linked has become a bestseller with more than 70,000 copies sold after fourteen printings and it was selected as one of the Best Business Books in 2002.

Linked: The New Science of Networks

Linked: The New Science of Networks is a popular science book written by the Hungarian physicist Albert-László Barabási and first published by the Perseus Books Group in 2002. Barabási has changed the way of thinking about real-world networks and largely contributed to making networks the revolutionary science of the 21st century. Linked is his first book that introduces the highly developed field of Network Science to a broad audience. Linked has become a bestseller with more than 70,000 copies sold after fourteen printings and it was selected as one of the Best Business Books in 2002.