Liquidation (miniseries)

Liquidation (2007) (Russian: Ликвидация, Likvidatsiya) is a highly popular Russian television series, which parallels the famous The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed with notable ethical shift. In the "Meeting Place", chief of criminal investigations Gleb Zheglov (played by Vladimir Vysotskiy) had a modus operandi "Thief must go to prison, no matter how I put him there" (and uses planted evidence to do so).

Liquidation (miniseries)

Liquidation (2007) (Russian: Ликвидация, Likvidatsiya) is a highly popular Russian television series, which parallels the famous The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed with notable ethical shift. In the "Meeting Place", chief of criminal investigations Gleb Zheglov (played by Vladimir Vysotskiy) had a modus operandi "Thief must go to prison, no matter how I put him there" (and uses planted evidence to do so).