List of Asia Television series

This is a list of series released by Asia Television. * 1977: Network (電視人) * 1978: Superstar (巨星) * 1978: Con Gang (奇兵36) * 1978: A Hong Kong Tragedy (郎心如鐵) * 1978: Chinese New Horoscope (十二生肖) * 1979: Reincarnated (天蠶變) * 1979: Dragon Strikes (天龍訣) * 1979: Sword of Fury (怒劍鳴) * 1980: Dynasty (大內群英) * 1980: Dynasty II (大內群英續集) * 1980: Fatherland (大地恩情) * 1980: Gone with the Wind (浮生六劫) * 1980: Rainbow Connections (彩雲深處) * 1981: Agency 24 (甜甜廿四味) * 1983: The Romantic Poet (唐伯虎三戲秋香) * 1984: Drunken Fist (醉拳王無忌) * 1984: Butterfly Killer (蝴蝶血) * 1984: Empress Wu (武則天) * 1984: Drunken Fist II (醉拳王無忌第二輯日帝月后) * 1985: The Legendary Prime Minister – Zhuge Liang (諸葛亮) * 1986: Full House Year (滿堂紅) * 1986: The Adventures (冒險家樂園) * 1986: The Boy Fighter from Heaven (哪吒) * 1987

List of Asia Television series

This is a list of series released by Asia Television. * 1977: Network (電視人) * 1978: Superstar (巨星) * 1978: Con Gang (奇兵36) * 1978: A Hong Kong Tragedy (郎心如鐵) * 1978: Chinese New Horoscope (十二生肖) * 1979: Reincarnated (天蠶變) * 1979: Dragon Strikes (天龍訣) * 1979: Sword of Fury (怒劍鳴) * 1980: Dynasty (大內群英) * 1980: Dynasty II (大內群英續集) * 1980: Fatherland (大地恩情) * 1980: Gone with the Wind (浮生六劫) * 1980: Rainbow Connections (彩雲深處) * 1981: Agency 24 (甜甜廿四味) * 1983: The Romantic Poet (唐伯虎三戲秋香) * 1984: Drunken Fist (醉拳王無忌) * 1984: Butterfly Killer (蝴蝶血) * 1984: Empress Wu (武則天) * 1984: Drunken Fist II (醉拳王無忌第二輯日帝月后) * 1985: The Legendary Prime Minister – Zhuge Liang (諸葛亮) * 1986: Full House Year (滿堂紅) * 1986: The Adventures (冒險家樂園) * 1986: The Boy Fighter from Heaven (哪吒) * 1987