List of Case Closed characters

The manga series Case Closed, known as Meitantei Conan (名探偵コナン?, lit. Great Detective Conan, officially translated as Detective Conan) in Japan, features a large number of recurring fictional characters originally created by Gosho Aoyama. The series takes place in modern-day Japan and follows amateur detective Jimmy Kudo who solves cases in an episodic fashion while in his childhood body and under the alias Conan Edogawa. He is joined by childhood friend , and her father who runs a Detective agency. Throughout the series, Conan interacts and befriends many characters from various groups: the , the local police in Conan's prefecture; The , a group of children who solves mysteries for their clients; and the . He also befriends a few individuals who know of his true identity: , who provides

List of Case Closed characters

The manga series Case Closed, known as Meitantei Conan (名探偵コナン?, lit. Great Detective Conan, officially translated as Detective Conan) in Japan, features a large number of recurring fictional characters originally created by Gosho Aoyama. The series takes place in modern-day Japan and follows amateur detective Jimmy Kudo who solves cases in an episodic fashion while in his childhood body and under the alias Conan Edogawa. He is joined by childhood friend , and her father who runs a Detective agency. Throughout the series, Conan interacts and befriends many characters from various groups: the , the local police in Conan's prefecture; The , a group of children who solves mysteries for their clients; and the . He also befriends a few individuals who know of his true identity: , who provides