List of Marvel Comics characters: R

Holden Radcliffe is a businessman and scientist interested in developing androids as soldiers. When scientist Aaron Isaacs goes on the run with ADAM, an android created at the Holden Radcliffe Corporation, Radcliffe becomes obsessed with finding them both. He is killed when Isaacs separates ADAM's computer core from his body, initiating a self-destruct sequence in the latter; Radcliffe is caught in the explosion.

List of Marvel Comics characters: R

Holden Radcliffe is a businessman and scientist interested in developing androids as soldiers. When scientist Aaron Isaacs goes on the run with ADAM, an android created at the Holden Radcliffe Corporation, Radcliffe becomes obsessed with finding them both. He is killed when Isaacs separates ADAM's computer core from his body, initiating a self-destruct sequence in the latter; Radcliffe is caught in the explosion.