Lockheed Martin A2100

The A2100 is a communications satellite spacecraft model made by Lockheed Martin Space Systems in the 1990s-2010s for telecommunications in geosynchronous orbit, as well as GOES-R weather satellites and GPS Block IIIA satellites. The A2100 satellite system was developed by a Skunk Works team at the Astro Space East Windsor, New Jersey facility. A group of Space Architects, including Brian Stewart, John Close, Pete Wise, Jim Wilson (GE R&D Lab), and Keith Davies delivered a flexible common bus with fewer components, lower spacecraft weight, and reduced customer delivery time.

Lockheed Martin A2100

The A2100 is a communications satellite spacecraft model made by Lockheed Martin Space Systems in the 1990s-2010s for telecommunications in geosynchronous orbit, as well as GOES-R weather satellites and GPS Block IIIA satellites. The A2100 satellite system was developed by a Skunk Works team at the Astro Space East Windsor, New Jersey facility. A group of Space Architects, including Brian Stewart, John Close, Pete Wise, Jim Wilson (GE R&D Lab), and Keith Davies delivered a flexible common bus with fewer components, lower spacecraft weight, and reduced customer delivery time.