Locum Beati Petri

Locum Beati Petri was a papal bull issued by Pope Leo XII on 30 June 1828, reorganizing the ecclesiastical jurisdiction in Dalmatia. The bull degraded Archdiocese of Split to the level of the diocese. The Diocese of Makarska was merged with the Diocese of Split creating the Diocese of Split-Makarska. The diocese became subject of the Archdiocese of Zadar which was proclaimed seat of the Dalmatian ecclesiastical province.

Locum Beati Petri

Locum Beati Petri was a papal bull issued by Pope Leo XII on 30 June 1828, reorganizing the ecclesiastical jurisdiction in Dalmatia. The bull degraded Archdiocese of Split to the level of the diocese. The Diocese of Makarska was merged with the Diocese of Split creating the Diocese of Split-Makarska. The diocese became subject of the Archdiocese of Zadar which was proclaimed seat of the Dalmatian ecclesiastical province.