Lohbach (Inn)

The Lohbach is a stream in Innsbruck, Austria that originates from a spring at the eastern edge of the Kranebitter ravine. It runs in a slightly elliptical course to Eastern Hötting, along the Lohbach waterside, further to Vögelebichl.At the Fischerhäuslweg the name changes to Gießenbach and runs underground until it flows into the Inn River. A part of the creek branches off and runs into the airport area. The length of the stream is 13 kilometres; 7.8 km of which run above ground.

Lohbach (Inn)

The Lohbach is a stream in Innsbruck, Austria that originates from a spring at the eastern edge of the Kranebitter ravine. It runs in a slightly elliptical course to Eastern Hötting, along the Lohbach waterside, further to Vögelebichl.At the Fischerhäuslweg the name changes to Gießenbach and runs underground until it flows into the Inn River. A part of the creek branches off and runs into the airport area. The length of the stream is 13 kilometres; 7.8 km of which run above ground.